Group Therapy in Toronto, Support Groups & Individual Treatment
Support Group Benefits
Discovering you are not alone, knowing that there are others that speak your language, because of similar experiences, are important reasons for choosing to remain part of a self-directed support group structure. Another often sighted reason is the ability of a support group to minimize the debilitating feeling of social isolation through group therapy.
While participating in these informal, and some would say more empowering settings; support group members are able to witness coveted changes taking place for their fellow group members. It is often within these intimate support group spaces that relevant life stories and powerful words of support are freely shared and close friendships are formed among support group members. These moments can see life-changing takeaways, eventually motivating members to make pivotal changes themselves, but at their own pace.
The hope is that in time support group members will experience an increase in awareness of the seriousness of the issue they are facing, that they will be exposed to reliable information and will take the next step in seeking treatment options that are right for them such as group therapy and/or one-to-one psychotherapy.
Support Groups’ Potential Down Side
A support group structure is unlikely by itself, to sufficiently address members’ needs for the type of in-depth personal insight and support needed in the treatment of anorexia nervosa, bulimia, binge eating, rumination, chew and spit, depression, anxiety, obsessive food thoughts or obsessive-compulsive behaviours. The commonly experienced informal structure of support groups can lead to lack of focus, frustration and a significant challenge for those looking to access reliable information and individualized attention.
Group Therapy vs. Support Groups
Support group sessions are often, but not always facilitated by a group member while group therapy sessions are always facilitated by one or more professionally trained therapists. The therapist’s role is to guide the topic areas, challenge group members to support each other’s therapeutic growth while deepening their own self discoveries in ways that are safe yet transformative.
Support group sessions tend to follow a more informal free flowing discussion structure. Group therapy sessions on the other hand are more likely to be guided by a pre-planned range of discussion topics over a defined number of sessions, with a planned topic focus for each session. As compared to group therapy, support groups are more likely to be free of charge.
Therapy Can Be Effective Through a Group or One-to-One Format.
A group and/or individualized therapy approach is needed to adequately address any of the newly named seven Feeding and Eating Disorders as documented in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), as well as other mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression and relationship challenges to name a few.
Regardless of the challenge you are seeking help with, at this time Eating Dynamiks & Therapy is specifically focused on offering individually tailored treatments and Group Therapy for patients in Toronto.
Because treatment plans at Eating Dynamiks & Therapy are tailored to your needs, you will experience numerous built-in flexibilities beginning with your 24/7 access to on-line appointment booking and rescheduling. Flexible is also experienced in your ability to choose, a) nutrition /eating management treatment focus, or b) psychotherapy only sessions, or c) an integration of nutrition/eating management and psychotherapy, starting at the first session. The pace, depth, length and focus of your treatment is determined jointly and your progress is reviewed periodically by you and Sylvia.
Click on the Mental Health Psychotherapy page for more on the individual services offered.
If you are specifically seeking Group Therapy In Toronto at this time, please visit