You May Be Wondering…

If a formal diagnosis is necessary for receiving service at Eating Dynamiks & Therapy.

No. A diagnosis or doctor’s referral is not needed. However, circumstance may arise during the process of our work together, which may require me to coordinate with other health service provider(s) involved in your care. Should such a need arise , you and I will need to discuss this before proceeding

If Psychologist Services insurance benefits coverage can be applied towards mental health services received at Eating Dynamiks & Therapy.

Yes. If you have health benefits coverage for Psychologist Services, that coverage can be applied to the mental health services you receive at Eating Dynamiks & Therapy. The therapy will be carried out by a MSW, RSW, psychotherapist while your file and care will be under the supervision of a licensed Psychologist. Your receipt will be appropriately designated Psychologist Services. The amount billed will be based on the hourly rate of the supervising Psychologist. Please indicate at the first session, if you will be using your Psychologist Services benefits coverage.

If extended health benefits covering the service of a Registered Social Workers (RSW), Master of Social Work (MSW), Psychotherapist, Registered Dietitian (RD) or nutritionist, can apply to services received at Eating Dynamiks & Therapy.

At the end of each session and upon receipt of your payment, an online receipt will be issued to you. It will clearly identify the type of service, date and duration of service received. It will also include all relevant information pertaining to the service provider’s professional licence /registration number, business address and business logo.

Are any of these services covered by OHIP?

Currently, provincial health insurance plans do not cover health services offered outside of a hospital or clinic setting, or at locations there are no medical doctor or Psychiatrists in charge of care.